We’ve all searching for partners. We’ve all want to have the best love story never written in this world, but what we really want to have is the uniqueness of having a perfect relationship that not everyone else have. The truth is we all just want to standout of the crowd and be noticed by others.
And there am I again. Talking to myself in the middle of nowhere while all of eyes were staring to me like hell. When will I stop talking to myself in public places? All of my life I depending on you, I always wanted to please you, to get your attention to be extraordinary in the bunch of ordinary. All I want is to glimpse at me and tell “You don’t have to do all of these, you have my attention all of this time.” But I guess I have to put extra effort on everything. That’s life live it, love it, face it!
It’s been quite a while since the last time I write an article for you. All of this time I thought I was moved on with all of the memories we’ve been through but I guess I’m a little bit not over you. It’s probably the picture in my desktop, or the photos that we’re taken a long time ago or maybe the fact that still now the communication is still tight as ever. How can my heart move on with all of these things still exist? Well, I guess I have to figure it out by myself.
It’s funny how most of the time people think they already moved on but in fact they just learn to live with the bitterness and pain that they don’t even realize that it’s painful. But when the time come they see the reason behind all of these memories will starting to come back out of nowhere. Maybe it’s true, I just mastered facing you with a poker face so that no one even you, can see the bitterness and pain on me. I congratulate myself on that.
But no matter how I try to hide, reality still appears and hit me like a machine gun in a war. I can never let you go, not now and never will. I just have to learn and master of living the pain no matter how hard and painful it is. That’s life and we have to deal with it.
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